Semenjak gw sekolah di Singapore gue dapet banyak pengalaman temenan ama orang-orang bule, ang moh ato angmo gitu singaporean sebut. Emang sih di sekolah gw sendiri ngga ada bulenya selain si bule cacat Matthew. Bule yang satu ini gw rasa udah jadi pasien tetap dokter jiwa ternama di Zimbabwe selama lebih dari 20 tahun semenjak dia lahir, 1993.
Anyway si-bule-cacat-pasien-tetap-RSJ-Zimbabwe-Matthew bukan topik perbincangan kita hari ini. Hari ini gue akan berbicara tentang hal yang lebih penting daripada si-bule-cacat-pasien-tetap-RSJ-Zimbabwe-Matthew, yaitu pantat. Iya pantat. Bingung? Mau ngegampar muka anak tetangga? Jangan bingung. Laper? Ya makan!
Kenapa pantat? Oke, gini. Pernah ngga lu denger orang bilang 'What a pain in the ass!' bukan, bukan assh*le. Apa sih artinnya pain in the ass sehingga banyak temen gue sering menyebut kalimat itu, ngga cuma bule bahkan chinese juga. Contohnya waktu main skateboard, waktu jatuh mereke sering kali teriak-teriak 'What a pain in the ass!'. Contoh lain lagi saat mereka nyoba buka kaleng minuman dan minumannya muncrat 'What a pain in the ass!'. Lah sekarang arti dari pain in the ass yang gue tau itu sejenis bisul, kutil, jerawat pantat, kopet dan sebagainya.
*percakapan di bawah adalah translation
'Jake, gue haus cok.' Gue nyolod ke dia.
'Lu haus? Sama lah gue juga.' Dia nyolod balik.
'Yaudah mending sekarang cari 7-11 atau vending machine buat beli minuman.'
'Oke gue setuju.' Jake mengamini.
Mukanya kaya orang keinjek koala segede gajah.
'Noh ada!'
'Iye, bentar gue beli dulu.'
Abis beli.
Crot! Air minumannya tumpah ke baju Jake.
'Pain in the ass!'
Tau ngga lu pertanyaan apa yang pengen buanget gue tanyain ke Jake, 'Hm Jake, penyakit macam apa yang lu pelihara di pantat lu?'.
Nah sekarang kita buka tabir arti dari pain in the ass. Pain artinya sakit, in artinya dalem, dan yang sudah kita ketahui bersama arti dari ass adalah pantat. Dan jika disatukan menjadi 'Sakit di pantat'.
Oke, sementara penyakit pantat yang gue tahu antara lain bisul, ambeiyen, kutil, kopet(jika termasuk), dan jerawat di pantat(jika ada).
Tapi dipikir-pikir ngga elit juga kalo tiba-tiba gue nanya hal begituan ke Jake. Yang ada malah dia bakal beli minuman kaleng lain dan numpahin itu kebaju dia lagi karna dia seneng, akhirnya ada orang yang memuji penyakit-penyakit pantat yang dia pelihara. Dan ngga enak juga kalo ngeliat bule geleyot-geleyotan dan memamerkan kebolehan pantat dia.
Jadi berhati-hatilah jika ada orang di sekitar kamu meneriakan kalimat sakit-di-pantat itu dengan lantang. Karena mungkin itu adalah pengakuan dari kepahitan hidup yang mereka alami.
Jadi hati-hati!
'Karena beberapa dari penyakit pantat itu menular!'
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Saturday, August 15, 2009
5:00 "Mati lu Anak Monyied!"
Ok I hate this day, so I'll use Indonesian language for this post, only Indonesian'll understand.

Hari lumayan seru lah. Gw nginep di rumahnya Kenny. Dasar kebo semua, gw uda bangun yg laen masi pada ngorok zz. Yauda gw tidur lagi *haha sama aja, cacat. Dah kan, pas uda pada bangun si Anak Monyet dateng eh si Yere maksud gw, katanya nyamperin mo ngajak maen DoTa. Hem abis itu musti nungguin si Bibi, Gorby. Ok semua uda ngumpul kita chouw, gw, Bibi, Yere, Martin, Kenny, si Yo nyusul soalnya ada sekolah, sumpah sedih lu yo uda sedih aturan libur jadi masuk, uda berkorban masi dimara-marain guru.. wew mati aja lu tod haha. Ok next destination is Final Destination, anjeng ngga lah.. Gila aja. Kita cari makan "Laper~" bayangin Yere yg ngomong, yes cacat you're right. Dah selese makan kita maen Dota di SG. Maen 4 games kalo kaga salah. 3W - 1L. Game gw yg pualing ancur hari ini pas yg terakhir. DR uda di pick yauda gw coba Pit. Wkwk mana uda ancur, gw di tinggal solo se-line sama Lina & Lion, equal to= Super Cacat. Trus gw skill F ama T aja masi kebalik2, jancok. Gw mo iket musuh yg chase gw mala gw kasi meteor, jaaah gw mo meteor creeps mala gw iket, cacat ki.. cacat ki.. cacat ki.. cacat lah! Udah malu gw swt wkwk. Nah pulangnya mampir rumah Kenny lagi. Uda sampe kita maen basket. Pertama2 game masi enak, masi pada ketawa2. Eeh.. Pas tetangga samping dateng, bola basketnya terbang ke rumah samping. Nah ini CB NB KNN PK KNTL PPK FKing Om-om nya tiba2 ngedatengin kita2. Bangkek dia marah2 kita, dia bilang bola nya kena mobil dia. Wah secacat-cacat nya kuping Yohanes, dia kaga denger suara mobil kejatuan bola basket dari ketingian +/- 7m dari tanah. Bego ini om-om minta di potong anu nya. Yauda due to ini tanah bukan tanah kita. Ya kita diem2 aja dengerin tu CB NB KNN PK KNTL PPK FKing Om-om ngomel2. Coba ini Indonesia, uda gw obrak-abrik tu muka, gw bakar mobilnya, kalo perlu gw beliin tuh mobil kaya begituan 10! Stream doank.. bangkek. Uda la emosi gw. Zz
"Random Image of Today":

LOL! Nice right. I wonder what's this movie looks like. 32th Dezember 3012.. ok I'll be waiting.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
10:05PM "I Think I'll Pass my Science"
Hem today as usual, schooling from 7am to 3pm and had a tuition until 5.30pm. Thank you to Azli for the test! Haha thanks for lemme coppied your answer. I could say that at least I can pass my Science now. Well went home, sleeping for a while and started to explore the cyber world. Facebook-ing, Blogging, watching video on Youtube and MSN-ing. After a while and getting bored, I took my bro NDS and playing Megaman Star Force Pegasus ver. Not so bad tough, it rid my bored feeling for a while. Now really nothing to do, then tried to disturb anyone on MSN. I had successfully disturb Ellen, Peipei and some others people. And suddenly Jolyn sent me sms.
Well this is such a bad example of a children nowadays "Vandalism". What's written there? "MOVE crew - Riky" I wonder who the hell is he. If you know sms me, he'll regret.
Dear Percussionist, tmr i
would like to meet you to
give you some "present".
So meet me in canteen
at 1230, i might be late so
pls wait for me a little
while. Thank you. :)
Haha so weird right. Well if you know what's that boy looks like. A bit curious but I think it would be about the Merry Widow score, I guess. And gosh! Somebody sent me sms.
Hi Rizky! I think you
will be the same with
Jiwari! Lolx it's similar
on how you talk and type.
WTHeck! I don't know who the hell is she/he?! An unknown number for my phone either! So would I end up with Euphonium section later :/ ?? Well who know. And today Shufen was acting very weird, so gloomy. I think one pony-tail pull might works.
And random picture of today is:

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
8:30PM "Fight Inside Bus"
What would you do is there are people fighting inside a vehicle that you're ride? Well quite a stupid thing right. Well today.. Just an ordinary day. But I really enjoy the SRP today, sometimes it feels so good to be having such a Crazy Big Panda to teach you. But I've to stay back until 6 because of something. Shit! Then after all school things has finished I 'm goin back home. As usual I take Bus number 62 and were sleeping for a while inside, well my journey takes about 45 minutes to the next bus. Reached Aljunied MRT then I alighted from the bus and top-up my EZ-Link card then move to the next bus-stop. Hem it's not far from my home, 3 stops. Nah the main thing happened here. I took Bus number 21 that was very crowded, I stood next to the bus driver. Just for a while then I realized that there are people fighting. They were shouting at each other like hell. They were a Bangla and One chinese oldman. Then when the bus driver were going to try to stop them, the driver was an aunty, I didn't allow her *Hahaha so evil!
"Eei what's going on there! Can you please kindly shut up! You are disturbing another passanger hor!"
"Eh aunty it's not your job! Get back and drive the bus, I want to reach home faster!"
"But they are fighting!"
"Cibai la ! Na bei! Faster la aunty!"
Haha then the stupid aunty get back to her seat and drive the bus. When reached the bus-stop near my home, I'm walking to the next bus door and I shout to the Oldman.
"Oi shut up la uncle.. Don't ya see that this Bangla bringing his baby."
"You dare to say me ha boy?!"
"What did I say you Old cock ! I just said that you must shut up."
"Cibai you said that I'm old ?!"
"Ei anybody here have a mirror? This oldman want to see how old is he."
*everybody's laughing
Then that's it both the oldman and I alighted from the bus. He was kinda trying to catch me, that stupid bastard. Then I'm running beside my home is not so far. Haha need a 1000 years more for that oldman to catch me.
"Eei what's going on there! Can you please kindly shut up! You are disturbing another passanger hor!"
"Eh aunty it's not your job! Get back and drive the bus, I want to reach home faster!"
"But they are fighting!"
"Cibai la ! Na bei! Faster la aunty!"
Haha then the stupid aunty get back to her seat and drive the bus. When reached the bus-stop near my home, I'm walking to the next bus door and I shout to the Oldman.
"Oi shut up la uncle.. Don't ya see that this Bangla bringing his baby."
"You dare to say me ha boy?!"
"What did I say you Old cock ! I just said that you must shut up."
"Cibai you said that I'm old ?!"
"Ei anybody here have a mirror? This oldman want to see how old is he."
*everybody's laughing
Then that's it both the oldman and I alighted from the bus. He was kinda trying to catch me, that stupid bastard. Then I'm running beside my home is not so far. Haha need a 1000 years more for that oldman to catch me.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
11:15PM "Nothing Really Nothing"
Today woke up at 6am, whoa so early then decided to sleep again haha. Woke up again at about 12pm zz relizing there's nothin I could do guess what? Went back to sleep again *lazybumb. Woke up again at about 7pm, then chatted with some band members and there was somethin on MSN that make me laugh "There's nothing impossible----> So let's go on top of building, jump down and try to fly." I wonder who's PM was it, stupid right? Then talikng about tomorrow's BBQ party. I don't know how to go to Rivervalley link :) *stupid rascal. But I asked Carrie, she said there will be some band members that meet at Compass Point first, it settled I'm goin to meet them first. Nothing much then "I'm waiting for band BBQ party tomorrow, but it make little bit wtheck because I must finish playing skateboard early." BYE!
Monday, June 15, 2009
12:00 AM "Feel like she will never fall to such a guy like me"
Today.. nothing special. Slept slacking and woke up at 1 pm. I'm sure like a lazybumb nowadays wtheck, nevermind it's a fact afterall. I reminisched with some of my old PS2 games, and I found it very nice to play Kingdom Heart 1 "Chain of Memories" again after a long time. I didn't know why my memory a bit error I forget the story line of this game, I think I'm becoming a senile in an early age (-_-"). Then I found some faqs on IGN to guide me playing, guess what? I finished the game in only 10.5 hours time *haha! of course because I used Action Replay! But I only use an Infinite health cheat! *Zz. Hem though day, I forgot to have my breakfast and lunch and make it worse I eat my dinner very late, some worms inside my stomach were having a heavy metal rock concert already and it remind and force me to eat, duh what a pain in the ass. After that not much happened. Chatted on MSN with some band members, Facebook-ing.. this one related with this post's name (I really felt very sad..), then write this blog, and nothing else. I'm goin to sleep bye.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
7:55 PM "What a Tiring Day"
Today argh feel like I'm dying. I slept at 4 am and must wake up at at least 11 am because I must go out with some band members at Vivo city, we're gona shopping for the band camp later, they said. We were meeting at Hougang MRT station, me, Soon keong, Rudy, Jasmine, Cindy, and Jolyn. Then together we were going to Vivo city by train. Arrived and we're lookin for some food to eat. This one lame, we went to Carl Junior but we aren't eat there because it's not a halal restaurant then we're walking around like a freak. Then it settled, we shall having our lunch at Subway but still Rudy wasn't eating there. Then Rudy went to Starbucks with Ah soon. Then the rest of us went to the roof, guess what, yes, they playing and splashing water around like a very childish manner *yawn I wasn't involve. How's the wather today? Damn hot ya know, super! Haha we ate an ice cream together, having a good time with them while we were waiting for Sharon and Carrie. Once Sharon and Carrie, we are spread. Ah soon, Rudy, Jamine, and Cindy were playing at Timezone while me, Jolyn, Sharon and Carrie were shopping at Daiso. After we finished shopping we go to some Pet shop. We saw some dog and hamster there. Carrie wants one kind of the hamster for her birthday there, I'll tell my uncle soon. Then here some funny things, there are some dog that called "Jiale, Emotionless, Handsome, and probably Jolyn also" haha. What a day, very tired though. After we're finished all the things we all going home. Tired and fun that are all I could say. Now goin out again with my family. *sigh bye.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
10:35 PM "Another worst day on my life"
Today I woke up at about 9:00am. I really wondered why there's nothing to do at that time *sarcasting. Then watchin Fullmetal Alchemist on Animax, it was 2 back to back episodes. Well it only held my bored feelin for an hour, seriously *sarcasting again. My parent wasn't home, both my brother was using the PS2, there's not much option left for me (-_-"). Having my lunch at 11:00am, then I did my favourite thing to do in this world, yes, sleepin. Aargh! All the happy feeling wasn't last long till Sinwee screwed it up. He spammed me through MSN, ah ok I was sleepin in front of my laptop. "Ting ting ting ting! *the MSN sounds" Darn it! It was so annoyin, and it wake me up. Then chattin with some my band members. Some stupid things came up such like a "H3N1 virus" Jiale created one, it's a virus that makes someone keep sayin I Love Ya to another and I interviewed Huixin and Gladys about their first impression about their seniors, yea Sinwee, Carrie, Jolyn, and the others. And It is secret. *yawn Bye.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
The Intro.
This is the first part of my blog.
I will give you such an unimportant information.
Rizky Luhur Purayaksha .aka Riky
I'm a secondary student
03 November 1993
Indonesia, Solo. Now I live in Singapore
I am a guitarist, drummer and percussion.
Hobby: Skating, Tennis, Basketball, Drawing, Playing Drum & Guitar, Breathing, Eating and Sleeping.
Interests: Skate (both board & in-line), Graffiti, Sport and Study (Ok, this last one I'm lying).
Band: My own band (of course), FOB, A7X, Maliq & d'essential, J'rocks, The Gazette, etc.
my motto: "I'm always innocent."
"That's why my life sucks."
*From that sentence we can learn . . . Ok. I give up. We can't learn anything from it. I just can say "Don't use a sarcasm too much. It's not good." LOL.
This is the first part of my blog.
I will give you such an unimportant information.
Rizky Luhur Purayaksha .aka Riky
I'm a secondary student
03 November 1993
Indonesia, Solo. Now I live in Singapore
I am a guitarist, drummer and percussion.
Hobby: Skating, Tennis, Basketball, Drawing, Playing Drum & Guitar, Breathing, Eating and Sleeping.
Interests: Skate (both board & in-line), Graffiti, Sport and Study (Ok, this last one I'm lying).
Band: My own band (of course), FOB, A7X, Maliq & d'essential, J'rocks, The Gazette, etc.
my motto: "I'm always innocent."
"That's why my life sucks."
*From that sentence we can learn . . . Ok. I give up. We can't learn anything from it. I just can say "Don't use a sarcasm too much. It's not good." LOL.
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